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What is a Workstation Assessment?

The goal of a Workstation Assessment is to assess you at your workstation, to recognize potential problem areas, and to determine appropriate amendments and recommendations that can be made. The assessment will take into consideration fundamental ergonomic principles to make your workstation layout more comfortable for you.


One of the largest providers to injuries in the tertiary education sector is in the area of ergonomics. Ergonomics includes a assortment of elements, including the interface between the employee and the job, and considers factors such as:


The physical and psychological demands on the employee those are necessary to perform the job


The mechanical apparatus used to carry out the job, and


The work space in which the worker is required to perform the job.


What is ergonomics?

Ergonomics look at the relationship between a person and the elements of their workplace connected with the task at hand. Ergonomics can apply to three levels of bustle in the workplace:


Workstation design


Workplace design, and


Job design


Ergonomic Workstations Assessment can be helpful and help decrease the risk of injury by taking into account the workstation design, workplace design and job design to ensure best practices are in place.


You should think about a workstation assessment if you:


Are a novel or new employee


Are experiencing pain and/or uneasiness throughout the day


Find you are feeling more fatigued than usual


Have lately experienced an injury, and/or


Have long-term unremitting injury or illness.


Different types of Workstation Assessments available consist of:


A self-assessment using an accepted checklist


Assessment by the Health, Safety and Environment Unit's Injury Prevention and Management Advisor, or


Assessment by an external provider.


For More Information Please Visit Our Website:


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